Parish activities for Lent

Lent is one of the oldest known seasons in the church year, traditionally a time of fasting and preparation for the feast of Easter, when new Christians were taught the faith and all reflected as a community on the life and death of Jesus.

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Kieran BohanComment
Just Walk to Jerusalem

To mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration (2nd November 1917), which sowed the seeds of today’s injustice, inequality and violence, Lynn McAllister from St Bride's will be walking 1150 miles from London to Ancona, NE Italy between the 10th June & 1st September and then rejoin the pilgrimage on 23rd October to walk through the West Bank to arrive in Jerusalem on 2nd November.

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North Wales Pilgrim Way, or bust!

Dave Bradley, our Church Warden is planning to walk the 134 mile North Wales Pilgrim Way over 11 days from May 26th - June 5th.  The walk will finish with a trip to the traditional Pilgrim destination of Bardsey (Ynys Enlli) on the 6th, weather permitting. 
He's doing it "partly because it's something I've just got to do, and I know many of you will know that feeling". But he's also hoping to raise money, and you are invited to donate.

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St Bride's AGM Report 2016-17

At St Bride's Annual General Meeting after the Sunday morning service on Sunday 23rd April 2017, Church Warden and Acting Chair of our District Church Council, (aka 'Core Community') presented a report on the main activities, developments and acheivements of the past year.

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Kieran BohanComment