Posts tagged Open Table
Open Hands: Pride at Liverpool Cathedral - We are God's work of art

AT THE CLOSE of Pride in Liverpool on Sunday 30th July 2023, Liverpool Cathedral and Open Table collaborated to host a reflective service that brought us together and celebrated the vulnerability and visibility of Pride.

The theme of the service took inspiration from the statue of the Welcoming Christ by Elizabeth Frink which stands over the entrance to the Cathedral, greeting visitors to the Cathedral with open hands. We came with open hands to celebrate that God loves us all equally.

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No, the doctrine of marriage is not fixed - Why the CofE need not be afraid of change

GENERAL SYNOD, the Church of England’s governing body, debated the College of Bishops’ proposals for the next steps in the Living In Love And Faith process on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage on 8th and 9th February 2023.

In response to a proposal that prayers for blessing same-gender relationships ‘should not be contrary to…the doctrine of the Church of England’, Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Team Rector of our parish, examined the assertion that the Church of England’s teaching on marriage has not change, and should not change

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Inclusive Christ, Inclusive Christianity - Reflection at Open Table #lgbtqia+ #comeasyouare

On July 17th 2022 at our Open Table Service which celebrated Non-Binary Awareness week, the Revd Frances Skinner shared this powerful sermon on the radical hospitality Jesus practiced which we are called to emulate.

Reading Luke 10:31-end

[Image Credit: JESUS MAFA. Martha and Mary, public domain via from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.]

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Telling our stories - A reflection by Paul Newbery for our Open Table Liverpool community

My Story - A reflection at Open Table #lgbtqia+ #comeasyouare
by Paul Newbery of the Open Table Liverpool community
Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33

Journeys are always a difficult thing. Where do we start from and certainly where are we going to end up. The secular world consider death to be the end of the journey. Birth the start, some fun in the middle and then an end. As Christians our birth is certainly the start. Death though isn’t the end, just a waypoint on our travel to Gods house, or Heaven.

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Telling our stories - An anonymous reflection for our Open Table Liverpool community

My Story - A reflection at Open Table #lgbtqia+ #comeasyouare
by an anonymous member of the Open Table Liverpool community on Sunday 6th June 2021

I heard the Parable of the Sower multiple times as a child, and never really understood it. When I was writing my story the share with Open Table, I started to see parts of the parable played out in my life and my journey with my faith.

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Happy Birthday - A reflection at Open Table #lgbtqia+ #comeasyouare

by the Revd Dr Louis Johnson on Sunday 20th June 2021 for Open Table Liverpool’s 13th Anniversary

Reading: Mark 4.35-41

Good evening. It’s a real pleasure and a privilege to be with you all to share in this act of worship, and to be celebrating Holy Communion with the Open Table community for the first time. Our reading from Mark’s gospel presents us with one of the iconic images of Jesus in scripture, stilling the storm whilst all around him the disciples are losing their heads in panic

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