Reflection on Inclusive Church Sunday at St Bride's

At St Bride’s we have three core values at the heart of everything we do. We say that we are Progressive, Creative and Inclusive. These values drive the kind of community we seek to build. Perhaps to some these three words may sound rather woolly or indeed lofty and unachievable ideals. I’m under no illusions that we do it perfectly! However, by constantly reminding ourselves of what we consider to be important, we may grow towards achieving these ideals.

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We all need somewhere to live

Blogged by Jonathan Clatworthy.

This is the famous mobile poster in London, which the British Government (or one part of it) considers an appropriate way to discourage illegal immigration. Lord Lipsey has reported it to the Advertising Standards Authority. It is widely perceived as a political ploy rather than a realistic method for encouraging illegal immigrants to leave the country.

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We have power in our hands – how are we to live with it?

These hands we have, these words, this voice. I never gave them the power to be tender, I never gave them the power to cause pain but I learned that my hands and the hands of others could become a source of pain and tenderness. This is a frightening realisation when you pause to reflect on it; it can be something of a burden to live with such a realisation. This power in our hands, in our voices, in our words and in our hearts; can we be trusted with such power; how should we live with such a gift; how should we live with the burden that comes with these powers that we have?

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Shiatsu at St Bride's

At St Bride's, an important part of our work is the exploration of connections between the worlds of Christianity and what have been called "new age" spiritualities and practices. Rachel is a member of St Bride's and a Shiatsu Practitioner. She is currently offering monthly Saturday sessions.

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Equal Marriage

Blog post by a member of St Bride's

As the equal marriage legislation inches its way through Westminster, we are daily being exposed to rhetoric from both sides of the argument. The debate is certainly polarised ranging from the abhorrent (claiming LGBT relationships are akin to bestiality) through to the triumphalist. Comments from the peerage seem to be particularly imperious and nonsensical

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Responding to the Woolwich Murder

Talk on Trinity Sunday 2013 at St Bride's by Steve Shakespeare Today is Trinity Sunday. But what is dominating our news this week is the attack in Woolwich, in which the soldier Lee Rigby was killed. The implications of that event are ones we need to consider urgently, so I hope you will forgive me if we focus on that, and who knows, we may even return to the Trinity at the end!

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The Spirit of Socialism and Anarchism in Jesus

Talk at St Bride’s by Dr. Chris Allen

I have spent a lifetime searching for socialism. It all began when I was 13. I liked ‘alternative’ rock and punk music and, from that, my exposure to radical politics began. The ideas propounded by the bands that I was listening to fell into the categories of socialism and anarchism. They provided me with a way of understanding the world around me. It was 1983. This was Thatcher’s Britain. My father was variously in work, out of work and on strike. Why are good people treated so badly? It made no sense, until I began to listen to music.

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Turning our Attention Towards our Experience

A reflection on Mindfulness by Petra Elsmore

“Relating to the whole of our lives mindfully – to both our inward and our outward experiences – is a profoundly positive and practical alternative to the driven, automatic pilot mode in which we operate most of the time without even knowing it.” (Myla & Jon Kabat- Zinn, Everyday Blessings, Hyperion, New York, 1997, p.20-21)

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